IDEAS inspire our workplace


The outcome; to ensure all are truly welcome, regardless of their perceivably “different” identity to encourage participation in every opportunity at Cvent.


The presence of unique identities that include anyone from different races, genders, sexual orientations, religions, age groups, disabilities, etc.


Promoting impartiality and fairness while eliminating bias in our procedures, processes, and how we use and distribute resources across Cvent.


Support to disenfranchised groups; recognizing the privilege that members of the majority group have in a professional context and using that privilege as power to dismantle these constructs.


A way to usher in and allow for respectful conversations that help us find commonality, even when we don't agree.

Cultivate community at Cvent

Cvent Fierce Employee Community Group

Cvent Fierce

Cvent Fierce connects LGBTQIA+ (Queer) employees and allies to educate the Cvent community on queer issues and policy, and advocate for queer-positive positions in Cvent and our local communities. 

Cvent Empower Employee Community Group

Cvent Empower

The Cvent Empower group aims to act as a voice for women across the company and industry at large. We offer professional and personal development opportunities for everyone while promoting gender equality.

The Culture Employee Community Group

The Culture

The Culture facilitates interaction and activities that support Black employees at  Cvent  – providing resources, mentorship, fellowship, and networking opportunities that help Black employees feel connected as well as equal.  

Cvets Employee Community Group


Cvets brings together Veterans, their families, and friends to support military members who have transitioned to Cvent. We mentor new Vets, volunteer, and assist Cventers with deployed family members.

Diversity, equity & inclusion at Cvent

Cvent's Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Allyship, and Storytelling (IDEAS) Council was created to oversee and guide all DE&I-related initiatives at the company. This group is responsible for facilitating collaboration between the employee community groups, subcommittees, and senior leadership on all things DE&I.

The Council's main goals are to cultivate a more inclusive environment at Cvent, provide employees with learning and collaboration opportunities, and drive positive change at the company.